ready to set up your own art print businesS?
We are so excited for you to start earning from your artwork! We’ve created this library of resources to help you get started today. These worksheets and resources come with years of experience in the art field and we’ve digested them for you to have the basics. What are you waiting for? Start earning from your artwork today!
taking the scary out
of tech
We know how overwhelming all the software and terminology can be! Don’t let this hold you back from creating beautiful art prints and products.
We believe you’ll become a more confident business owner when you understand the tech specifications required to turn your art into prints and products. A little bit of prep goes into turning art into art prints and products so it’s important you’re familiar with it.
We’ve created a cheat sheet to get you closer to learning the art of printing. Tech doesn’t have to be overwhelming and you don’t need to be a graphic designer to learn it all.
It’s a list of all the definitions, skills, and software you must know before printing your own art prints. But don’t worry, we’ve made it easy to follow!
get your FREE art print tech cheat sheet
art print product plan
You’ve decided you want to make products from your art, now what? There are so many options out there available to you as an artist. Should you drop ship? Should you set up your own website? Sell through an artisan platform like Etsy?
With so many options, comes a lot of research to determine what’s right for you and your business. We’ve created a little product plan worksheet to get you started on asking the right questions to get started.
Consider this worksheet a little audit of where you are at. As you work your way through the prompts, it will help you come up with a pathway to your products. Or maybe you’ll realize you still have a bit of work to do before you’re ready.
We recommend using one worksheet per product to remain organized and have a clearer picture of what stage you’re at.
Happy planning!